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Softball Toss Video

by admin

Not bad girls, let’s see if we can add a few more tennis balls next time.

Almost game time

by admin

Keep working out and stay ready! We play a tournament in 2 weeks!

Keep up with the workouts, only a couple weeks until we play in Chase tournament.

Looking to get some winter practice in?

by admin

It may be winter, but it’s not too early to think about softball workouts. We have some room for a few more girls if you would like to workout with Xtreme at Chase and get ready for your school, rec or travel league! We have space on Fridays, 4:30 – 6:00 and every other Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00.

No commitment to our team, $15 per practice. Work with some knowledgable and passionate coaches, they’ll get you in shape for softball tryouts! Drop us a line if interested.

Practice at Chase

Catcher Cam

by admin

Rotating pitchers and catchers, we catch a glimpse of the effectiveness of Xtreme practice. No wasting time!

Coach gets dirty

by admin

“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” Girls, you hear us say it all the time. “Practice the way you play!” Develop those good habits. Good work this morning.